Monday, December 1, 2008

code lyoko season 6 episode 5

"My father?" Aelita asked. "yes" Ulrich replied. the room grew cold with silence. Aelita sat down on her bed and stared at Ulrich. her hair had grown about to her shoulders. "what about him?" She asked. she seemed memorized. "well we found a program inside a tower that said he was still in France. we think he may be on the run. i don't know how long ago it was posted but that's what he said" Ulrich replied. "does Jeremy know?" Aelita asked. "not yet but he said he didn't want a part in this. it's Odd, Ava, Anna and I for the most part" Ulrich smiled. "i think i may know someone that can help you" Aelita replied. Ulrich watched her.
Aelita approached Jeremy with a large smile. the air smelt fresh with a hint of city. "Jeremy guess what!" Aelita shrieked. "i don't know?" Jeremy said as he turned. "My father is still in France!" Aelita smiled. Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Aelita i found that program when i first booted up the supercomputer, he could be long gone" Jeremy replied. Sissi was heading their way. "hey Sissi!" Aelita smiled. "don't even bother" Sissi said as she walked by them. Aelita chased after her. "hey you have your drivers license right?" Aelita asked. "yea why?" Sissi asked. "i need a favor" Aelita smiled. Sissi started to walk faster while Aelita maintained a hold of Sissi. "no way" Sissi said. "please i can hook you up with Odd" Aelita smiled. Sissi turned. "I'm Listening" Sissi smiled.
Anna sat in the computer room looking up old documents and creating new ones. she managed to set up a fire wall against weaker attacks. Ava came into the room. "hey!" Ava smiled. "hey Ava" Anna smiled. "what are you doing?" Ava asked. Anna punched something on the computer and a dot appeared on the monitor. "I'm learning how to use programs on here, you see that dot? that's a decoy of Odd, it was reprogrammed but i learned how to place it" Anna smiled. "that's cool, so guess what?" Ava asked. "what?" Anna asked. "Odd just asked me out!" Ava shrieked. Anna was shocked. she stood up. "i thought he liked me!" Anna yelled. "obviously not if he asked me out" she sassed. a red light shot up on the monitor and a alarm went off. "Oh that's X.A.N.A.!" Ava cried. "head to the scanner I'll call Odd and Ulrich" Anna ordered. Ava ran to the elevator. Anna picked up her phone and dialed Ulrich there was no awnser, she dialed Odd and he answered right away. "hey" Odd laughed. "Odd i need you at the factory right now, is Ulrich with you?" Anna cried. she punched away on the computer pulling up the virtalization program. "no but i can find him" Odd said. "please do" Anna cried. she hung up. "the program is launched" Anna said. she ran to the scanner room and hopped in one. it closed and the air started flowing. it was a bright light and then she was in the desert sector. it was crisp and dry there, the sand the color of hot paprika. she stood next to Odd and Ava. she tried to touch the Odd but her hand went through. "alright i left the decoy" Anna said. they spotted the pulses on the ground. "that way!" Ava cried.
Sissi drove Aelita to the public library, Aelita did her research nothing she entered Sissi's car. "i'm bored when do i get to date Odd?" Sissi whined. "drive me to the police station then you can leave" Aelita said. "are you in trouble?" Sissi asked. "no" Aelita said. she tried to hide the fact that her father was gone. Sissi drove her to the police station, it was packed. police officers were pulling up left and right with criminals. "wait here" Aelita ordered. she ran into the station and behind the bullet proof glass was the file cabinet that held all of the prisoner records. she prayed they wouldn't have anything. she approched the glass window and spotted the receptionist. "hi can i help you?" she asked. "do you have a prisoner file on Francis Hopper?" Aelita asked. "i can check" she smiled. the receptionist walked over to the cabinet and checked in the F's. "No mam i'm sorry" she smiled. Aelita smiled. "thank you" Aelita said. she was on her way out when she caught the glare of someone in the apartment across the street. she knew who it was......
Odd dashed down the school hallway when the power went out. "come on!" Odd yelled. he pulled out his phone and used it as a light as he made his way to the exit. it was barly light out and the gates for the school were locked. at the gates he spotted Ulrich. Odd ran to him as fast as he could. "Ulrich, X.A.N.A. activated a tower!" Odd cried. Ulrich seemed to be moving in slow motion, he slowly turned and spewed out a few random words that were not able to be made out. "Ulrich what--" Odd started. he noticed he started to move in slow motion to. "oh" Odd screamed.
Ava and Anna ran down the chalky path with no issues they got to the tower and there was nothing. no traps, no monsters, nothing. "this is weird" Anna said. "i know" Ava whispered. they stepped foreword and nothing happened. "i don't get it" Anna said. "X.A.N.A. always tries to stop us but not this time" Anna added. they entered the tower and went up. they entered the codes and the files were drained. they left the tower and still nothing. "alright you will have to stab me and then i can devirtailize you" Anna said. Ava took out a sword and sliced Anna, she disappeared and a few moments later so did Ava.
"i don't get it why was X.A.N.A. not trying to stop us at all? i mean he took the effort to activate the tower why not try and defend it?" Anna asked. "i don't know but have you talked to Odd?" Ava asked. Anna rolled her eyes. "yes but that isn't important, i think what we just stumbled upon was a peice of something much bigger" Anna said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...